Hard Sci-fi Research Notes
Notes on actual/speculated real-world technologies which may appear in Synthnostate and sequels.
Gene editing & Synthnobiology
- Gene sequencing (reading)… [speed/cost progress TK]
- Gene writing… commercially available since ~2000s [speed/cost progress TK]
- Geme editing: 2012 CRISPR-Cas9 breakthru (with older roots…)
- mRNA injection: ~1987 proof of concept, 2010s “revolution”
- 2015: coronavirus gain-of-function research controversy
- 2017: first known crispr-edited human embryo
- 2018: first known crispr-edited babies born (illegal and widely condemned)
Transhuman & Posthuman movements
- transgenderism (mere surgical/hormonal body modification)
- immortalism (conquer disease+aging)
- singularitarianism (replacement of biological life by AI+nanotech)
- technogaianism (“clean tech” but many potential dark sides)
- post-postmodern continuation of rennaissance humanism
- opposes the old human-centric individualist worldview
- environmentalism, animal rights, robot/AI rights…
- sentient gene-enhanced animals
- cyborg animals
- not necessarily a “furry” thing!
- aliens could do the same to humans…
DOD programs in the news
“Cyborg Soldier 2050” - 2019 unclassified US Army technical report identifies the following militarily relevant technologies as technically feasible by 2050:
- hearing and vision augmentation
- optogenetic programmed muscle control
- bidirectional direct brain interface
- recommends psyops to reverse cultural fear/stigma
- notably predicts military will lag behind consumer tech, as with electronics
- predicts massive societal division as a result [they looooooved DX:MD]
- 2020 says: lol
Optogenetics uses light-activated enzymes in gene-edited nerve cells
- to stimulate motor/sensory nerves via multicolor LEDs on the skin
- to stimulate brain cells via intracranial fiber optics
- widely used in research since ~2010
“Nextgen Nonsurgical Neurotech” program - aims to improve precision of EEG, transcranial stimulation, etc, to develop wearable bidirectional neural interfaces with capabilities comparable to implanted electrodes. Feasability unknown.
“Safe Genes” program
- reversible gene editing
- countermeasures against hostile gene editing
- removal of engineered genes from natural environment
“Measuring Biological Aptitude” program - mapping genes+biomarkers to provide individually tailored diet/workout guidance, and ultimately realtime feedback in combat.
Past predictions - in 1989 we were told we’d be there by 2020 but all we have are better graphics, smaller faster computers, slightly better batteries, a few percent of our electricity from wind/solar, cellphones for all, mass surveillance, a Dumpster-fire Internet and a dying society much like early 3rd-century Rome.
Brain bandwidth - can neural interfaces overcome the human brain’s limitations? Consider the difficulty of displaying a simple HUD overlay augmentation: we can’t simply stimulate optic fibers in the corners because our peripheral vision is low-res; when we read text or examine objects, our eyes rapidly scan side to side so the high-res center can take in the details, and our visual cortex pieces everything together.
Quality - can augmented abilities actually surpass those of motivated individuals with good base stats?
Atrophy - will augmentations undermine naturally-acquired stats/skills? If smartphones are any indication, yes.
Opportunity cost - why bother with cyborg soldiers when hacking and drones are so effective?
Who would win in a real war - transhuman cyborgs or rednecks with rocket artillery and hypersonic missiles?
Get Synthnostate: Crusaders of the Tinfoil Hat [DEMO]
Synthnostate: Crusaders of the Tinfoil Hat [DEMO]
Alien disclosure turnbased RPG
Status | On hold |
Author | Synthnostate |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Isometric, Sci-fi, Turn-Based Combat |
Languages | English |
More posts
- New DevelopmentsNov 07, 2024
- Possible update in late 2023May 26, 2023
- Demo Release ChecklistsDec 30, 2022
- A Difficult DecisionDec 07, 2022
- Long-term TODO tracking in SynthnostateOct 19, 2022
- v0.8.3 RELEASEDOct 13, 2022
- Piling on more work for v0.8.3Sep 09, 2022
- Still working on GUI overhaul for v0.8.3Sep 01, 2022
- v0.8.2 "Risen" RELEASEDAug 16, 2022
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