Devlog #7 - v0.2.0 Progress Update

I’ve been updating Plans for v0.2.0, checking off completed tasks and adding new ones. Not surprisingly, I couldn’t finish everything in January because of all the extra work I discovered I needed to do. We still need better AI, better biting/feeding, a little more sorcery development, some characters and quests, and a bunch of fixes and cleanup. Two more weeks! lol

Since the start of 2024 I’ve also been livestreaming (on Rumble) 5 half-days a week. Progress has been rock-steady thanks to the regular schedule, and we have a small group of regulars in chat, mostly other developers, one of whom isn’t active on any other platform. I do need a little more off-stream dev time, so this week I’m cutting back to 3 days (dropping Friday and Saturday mornings which are dead anyways) plus occasional impromptu streams. I’ll try to do the more visually interesting work on-stream. I may also just play music instead of mumbling about what I’m doing and why, except when I’m making notes/tutorials or interacting with chat. I might create a second channel for devstreams so people can find my short videos, or I’ll just delete old streams; I don’t expect any platform to provide terabytes of free storage for seldom-viewed content. I could clip and re-upload a few highlights.

This arrangement will continue for the forseeable future. We’re now financially stable with multiple part-time jobs and adequate time for game development, so there’s no pressure to rush the game release or chase streaming revenue which I feel would inevitably detract from the game.


Cover art (WIP)

  • Tentative new title… not sure I like the repetition (which is a parody/homage to Divine Divinity, one of the most ridiculous game titles of all time, but arguably the best of Larian’s output)
  • Needs better hair, face paint, fangs, and BLOOD!
  • YES! The bat wings (in human form) are in game too!

Expanded catacombs levels

  • With skeletons and torches (WIP)
  • Nailed down a rapid-construction method for tunnel/cave levels with collision+navigation meshes (including my first practical use of Blender geometry nodes)

Desert town level (WIP)

  • Fairly large outdoor level with varied terrain, waterways, and indoor areas
  • Method for rapid building construction and door/lock/navmesh integration
  • Road construction method TBD… probably raycast geometry nodes in Blender or something similar in Godot editor

Male character #1 (WIP)

  • Color-swap clothing prototype

Hitbox improvements (WIP)

  • Also troubleshooting some issues with height and body proportion customization…

Get Synthnostate: Sanguine Sanguinity

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