Devlog #16 - Weekly Roundup 10-22-2024

Gettin’ ’er done!

  • Music & Sound FX test
  • Fullscreen & misc
  • Clipboard & filedrop test (we’ll need for editing)
  • Angel statue test (one of my simpler texture-baked models)
  • Animated player model (proper textures+lighting TBD)
  • Complete third-person player/camera controller with sprinting, jumping, momentum, interpolated rotation
  • Combat preparations: health bars, target dummies, collision shapes, targeting raycast, etc

I’ll upload a Raylib Test #1 this week if I have time - after I add some attacks, damage, death, respawning, and clean up the graphics a little more. Maybe shadows but that can wait.

Then I’ve gotta do some artwork and music recording… spooky season stuff… then I think I’ll put together a turnbased tactics test, just get it started at least.

Engine Comparison Matrix WIP - 2nd attempt

First one was too crowded for Odysee, right side gets chopped off if your browser window is under 1610px wide. I do appreciate the smaller font and custom colors on Itch devlogs but I’m mainly doing this for Odysee.

So, to make the columns narrower I’m leaving out the details and just using symbols for all planned, completed, and rejected features I can think of. That should make enough room to show how much shit we don’t need for Synthnostate: Crusader Tactics.

- Version:V1V24.xV3V3
- Player chars:6-84114+
- Turn-based:
- Real-time:
- Gunspergery:
- Throwing:*
- Grenades:*
- Vehicles:*
- Aircraft:***
- Dialogue:
- Quests:
- Area triggers:*
- Conditions:*
- Objectives:*
- Basic:?
- Behavior Tree:**
- Pathfinding:
- Navmesh:**
- Inventory:
- Character:
- Questlog:
- Save/Load:
- Settings:
- Keymap:
- Gamepad:
- Lighting:
- Shadows:
- Day-Night:*
- Water:*
- Heightmap terrain:***
- Fog of war:*
- PBR:*
- Overlays:**
- Detail UV2:*
- Makeup:*
- Billboards:
- Projection decals:****
- Blender??
- Spreadsheets?
- In-game
- Engine editor
  • ☐ Planned
  • ☑ Completed
  • ☓ Rejected
  • * Wishlist
  • ? Unknown / To Be Determined

Get Synthnostate: Sanguine Sanguinity

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